Thursday 2 October 2008

Hidden message

Can you guess what today's hidden message is ?. As a clue we will tell you it is a well- known song by a singer who was murdered in the 80s. It talks about peace, dreams.... Once you have found out, try to put everything in order; you may need to surf the internet to get the complete lyrics.
Now that you already know who wrote the song have a look at this "youtube" video and be prepared to answer some oral questions.



John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940, in Liverpool. When he was a little child, his parents got separated and he was forced to live with his aunt Mimi, since his mother had died before he became eighteen years old. Because of that, he wasn’t able to see his dad too much (because of his job) and he became a juvenile “delinquent”.
In college, John Lennon was well-known for drawing grotesque and violent pictures, which made his teachers think he would apply for art school. He did, but instead of drawing, he started applying art to words, music. He started playing the guitar with one of his friends, Eric, and later formed a band called “The Quarrymen”.
In “The Quarrymen” John Lennon rehearsed in front of an enormous audience, in which stood Paul McCartney, one of the future members of the Beatles. With him, Lennon started to write music and songs and after some time, they two, George Harrison and Ringo Starr formed “The Beatles”.
The Beatles sang from 1957 till 1970. During these years they published songs like “Hey Jude”, “Mrs. Robinson”, “I Want to Hold your hand”, “Help!” etc. Besides from entertaining, some of their songs, like, for example, “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds”, are said to promote the use of drugs like LSD,(in this song, they are its initials )
Sadly, on December 8th, 1980, John Lennon was shot four times on the back when he was entering his luxurious apartment in New York. He was quickly brought to hospital, but he died immediately. Some people say he was shot from behind, and others say the murderer was waiting at his front steps when he was shot. Besides from these, there are many other questions to be asked about the life and the death of John Lennon.
Text by Pere Giralt 4th A