Tuesday 13 December 2016



TASK 1 : Answer the questions from the  listening  Is Hollywood in crisis? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rx6xgodnwkku6fq/AABiC3ohxcEEOa7MMR9zlJ7Za/pau_angl12june.pdf?dl=0

TASK 2 http://selecat.cat//view.php?p=pau_angl04jl

 Are you good at identifying movie themes????Try this quiz; you need to open a word document to type the answers.

Let's insist on vocabulary . Try these quizzes:

http://www.english-in-chester.co.uk/e-learning/lesson/film-vocabulary/  ( genres)

http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/vocabulary/3v22-cinema-vocabulary.php  ( general)

TASK 3 Reading comprehension of a film review 

 How to write a film / book review.

                        Image titled Write a Review Step 7
 1st Paragraph:
Briefly describe the product or service. In a couple of sentences , describe the product that you’re reviewing. You will reveal other details throughout your review, but the initial description will give your reader a sense of what you’re talking about.
If it’s a movie or book, don’t spend your entire review summarizing the plot. There’s no need to give the entire story. Just a brief overview in 1-2 sentences will suffice
It's good to give readers an idea of what they'll be in for if they decide to see the movie you're reviewing. Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters, describe the setting, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie. Never break the number one rule of movie reviews: don't give too much away. Don't ruin the movie for your readers!
  • Find a place to mention the director's name and the full movie title.  Title Better in italics.
  • Try to catch your reader's attention in the opening sentence.
  • If you feel you must discuss information that might "spoil" things for readers, warn them first.

Image titled Write a Review Step 8

2nd Paragraph:
Move into your analysis of the movie.Discuss interesting elements of the movie that support your thesis. Discuss the acting, the direction, the cinematography, the setting, and so on, using clear, entertaining prose that keeps your readers engaged.
  • Keep your writing clear and easy to understand. Don't use too much technical filmmaking jargon, and make your language crisp and accessible.
  • Present both the facts and your opinion. For example, you might state something such as, "The Baroque background music was a jarring contrast to the 20th century setting." This is a lot more informative then simply saying, "The music was a strange choice for the movie.
  • Include negative points as well as positive points.
  • Include evaluative adjectives as you go along

3rd Paragraph :
Wrap up your review with a conclusion. It should tie back to your original thesis and provide some guidance as to whether the audience should go see the movie.Explain why you would recommend or not recommend the film to the audience
 Your conclusion should also be compelling or entertaining on its own, since it's the end of your piece of writing

Useful Links when writing a film review 
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
 For quick information about a film, director, actor, producer, or production company, IMDb can't be beat. It is not the ideal place to end your research, but it is a fine place to start.


Hundreds of film reviews already done for you. You can use them as samples.


More reviews , just in case.