Friday 30 October 2015




The house on the hill in the old forest.

I went trick-or-treating with my best friends  Our pillowcases were full of candy, and it was getting late, so my friends wanted to go home.

I wanted a few more chocolate bars so I turned to my friends and said, “Let’s knock on a few more doors and then head for home.”

They were worried because they thought it was already too late. “Let’s go home now,” they said to me. I told them not to worry because we could take a shortcut through the old forest.

So after a few more houses, I took my friends to the path that went through the forest. We walked about 20 minutes, and then, suddenly, I felt very strange. I couldn’t remember the way! It was dark and foggy. We were lost. And to make matters worse, it started to rain. And then, it started to pour. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder rang in our ears. We wandered around in the rain for over two hours. We were very wet and very cold. And then, at about midnight, I saw an old abandoned house on a hill.

“I think we’ll have to spend the night in that old house and wait till morning,” I said.

TASK2.  In pairs, finish writing the story using all the phrases in the box below. Write it as a comment to this post,

Creative Writing Box
saw a light
ran down the hall
heard footsteps
hid under the bed
heard a noise
My friends didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were cold and wet, so they agreed. We walked up the old wooden steps to the front door. The door creaked open and we went inside, sat down, and started to eat a chocolate bar, when . . .



Anonymous said...

20th October
4A Alpha


When we HEARD A NOISE, which came from the kitchen. We went to the kitchen and we SAW A man with a knife stabbed into his eye. My friends SCREAMED and RAN DOWN THE HALL, but I stayed there.
The man told me “Trick or Treat” and I gave candies to him, but when I was about to leave, the man stabbed the knife into my leg. After that, I woke up in my house and I realized that I had had a nightmare. ¡It was the Halloween night!

Anonymous said...

20th October
4t A Alpha
Nickname: Chupacabras swaggies
… When we HEARD A NOISE… we RAN DOWN THE HALL to see what happened, we didn’t see anything. We thought that was the old wood of the house creaking. We went upstairs and we didn’t saw the pillowcases. We were afraid and we saw a light in the corridor of the room. We went to see it. The corridor was full of skeletons and COBWEBS. We were walking through the corridor. The floor was full of FOOTSTEPS, we were following the FOOTSTEPS when a skeleton started to move and SCREAM. We were very frightened and we ran to one room and we saw the skeleton following us. We entered in the room and we HID UNDER THE BED. So then the skeleton didn’t see us. We were terrified but something happened in the back of the bed. I came out from under the bed but when I turned to see my friends they weren’t there. I run out of the house and finally in the DAWN I thought that I would never saw any more my friends.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

20th October
4t A Alpha
… When we HEARD A NOISE from the first floor. We SCREAMED when we HEARD FOOTSTEPS. We decided to go upstairs to the first floor. There, we SAW A LIGHT that came from the last room . The door opened and a group of bats came out. We HID UNDER THE BED of the first room we saw. There were a couple of COBWEBS. We heard the door of the last room get closed again, so we decided to RAN DOWN THE HALL. We heard a scary voice that came from the kitchen. We went to have a look and we saw a shadow with a knife in his hand. We ran out of the house and finally in the DAWN we were out of the forest. It was lighter and we found the way to return home.

Anonymous said...

20th October; 4tA ALFA --> TROUBLE

when we SAW A LIGHT, it seemed to be from a candle. At that moment we started to be frightened, because the house was abandoned. Suddenly, WE HEARD A NOISE from a door, but we thought it was normal because it was a windy day. We decided to go around the house, at the HALL, there was a very big window which showed us the scary and dark forest and this wasn’t comfortable at all.
We were going upstairs when WE HEARD FOOTSTEPS at our back, we started running without thinking what we were going to found.
We closed us in the first room we saw, all was dark. With the help of the lightings we could see a little the shape of the room, also we saw lots of COBWEBS, John notice something in his hand and SCREAMED.
The door was closed, and we couldn’t open it, but someone in the other side was trying to open it, we were terrified and we HID OURSELVES UNDER THE BED, then we realized the door was opened.
We RAN DOWN THE HALL and we saw a shape following us; it was a man with a mask. We started running, but…
Then I saw the DAWN, it all was a dream, we felt asleep at the hall…

Anonymous said...

20th October
4t A Alpha
… when they were eating chocolate, they HEARD A NOISE, they were scared. And they SAW A LIGHT that come from one of the rooms of the first floor. Two of the boys went up stairs to saw where comes the light. Suddenly the two boys see a shadow and they SCREAMED and they RAN DOWN THE HALL. They took to their friend to left the house but they didn’t want because it’s raining a lot. The house Is full of COBWEBS. They hear loud HEARD FOOTSTEPS that come from the first floor. The boys went to the basement, they saw a bed and they were very scared and they decided to HID UNDER THE BED. The next day the police find the body of the four boys on the basement, they were dead.

Anonymous said...

20 October

It was about 3 a.m. that we HEARD A NOISE coming for the underground room. Nobody wants to move. Even someone SCREAMED because he heard FOOTSTEPS. We decided to go upstairs; the stairs were full of COBWEBS. When we went into a room we SAW A LIGHT out of the house, a big scary light, some of us HID UNDER THE BED. But, there was a big red eyes under the bed, we started RAN DOWN THE HALL and when we got out we saw a beautiful DAWN. Few seconds after getting out the door closed hardly. It steals raining but we know that it was better to stay out of the house that is inside hell. But there was not another option that to stay on the forest because when we turned to see the house there was nothing more than darkness – Suddenly I get up, It was only a scary dream, the Halloween night it was going to start.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When I HEARD A NOISE coming from the other side of the house. We were very scared, so we HID UNDER THE BED that was next to us. Under the bed there were COBWEBS and very big spiders, we didn’t SCREAM, though. After that we SAW A LIGHT and we HEARD FOOTSTEPS from the entrance. We waited under the bed until we didn’t hear the footsteps. Then we left the bed and we RAN DOWN THE HALL. When we got out of the house we saw the DAWN and we ran into the forest, finally we found our city and we went home.

Anonymous said...

27th of October
4th A (B)

... when we HEARD FOOTSTEPS approaching us, we ran into our bedroom and we HID UNDER THE BED, the footsteps became more clear and then we SAW A LIGHT. It was a big flame coming into the bedroom, floating by itself. We SCREAMED loudly and when we tried to escape but a COBWEB got stick in my leg. The flame was getting closer and closer. We took a pillowcase to broke the cobweb and ran out of the room. We were frightened, the flame chased, we didn’t knew what to do next, so we RAN DOWN THE HALL. Suddenly, we heard a very strange noise that came inside our heads, it was an alarm clock ringing. I was in my bedroom, and my mum told me that it was a dream. I woke up and I could see the DAWN through the window.

Anonymous said...

27 of October
4rt A Beta
Nickname: Jackass

The door creaked open and we went inside, sat down, and started to eat a chocolate bar, when . . . we SAW A LIGHT that came from the first floor. We went upstairs and we entered the lit room, it was a bedroom with a lot of COBWEBS and an old lantern in the corner of the room. Then we HEARD FOOTSTEPS and we HID UNDER THE BED. We heard the footsteps going downstairs and someone SCREAMED, then we realized than Elizabeth wasn’t with us. We RAN DOWN THE HALL fast to find her. Then we HEARD A NOISE that came from the outside and we got out of the old house. Then it stopped to rain and it was DAWN. We didn’t see anything. We were all afraid and we went home fast. Elizabeth never appeared.

Anonymous said...

27th October
4t A (beta)
…when we HEARD A NOISE. With these noise, we SCREAMED and then, we HEARD A FOOTSTEPS. A ghosts came to us, and we went upstairs. We went to the bedroom , and we HID UNDER THE BED. The ghosts entered into the bedroom, but he can’t saw us. Then, he disappeared. After that, we RAN VERY QUICKLY DOWN THE HALL. We bumped into a COBWEB when we are going to the hall. When we arrived there, we SAW A LIGHT and we ran to this light. The light came of the exit door. We went outside the house and we saw a very beautiful DAWN.

Anonymous said...

27th OCTOBER, 2014
A4 Betha

… when we HEARD A NOISE at the basement, we RAN DOWN THE HALL, and we HID UNDER THE BED. While we were under the bed, we SAW A celestial LIGHT with FOOTSTEPS, there was Jesus Christ with white clothes. He wanted to punish us because we were atheist.

We start it to SCREAMED and leave the bed. Jesus follows us.
We took a Christian cross and we went to outside, there was DAWN, and he with the light of the sun disappeared magically.
All my friends had COBWEBS in the head.

Anonymous said...

27th October
4rt A Beta
Nickname : the kings

… when they HEARD A NOISE that came from the second floor. Then, we went upstairs to see where it came from. Once there, we HEARD FOOTSTEPS that went up and we started to run inside a room. My friend hid in the wardrobe and I UNDER THE BED, but as I hid there, I felt a COBWEB in my head, so I ran into the wardrobe with him. Then we SAW A LIGHT that came from the door and went into the room. We SCREAMED a lot and we RAN DOWN THE HALL for got out from the house. Outside, it was DAWN and very cold. We ran into the forest and when we left it, we turn round and we saw that the house and the forest disappeared. And then, we saw the light again that came to us and I woke up in my bed, in my house.

Anonymous said...

27th October 2014
4th A Beta
Nickname: pumpkinsfour
…When they were eating the chocolate bars, they HEARD A NOISE, and they SCREAMED very loud. They RAN DOWN THE HALL and SAW A LIGHT. They were very afraid. They don’t know what to do, and they HID INTO THE WARDROBE. At the moment, they heard many FOOTSTEPS, and they wanted to be very quiet to prevent to be discovered.
But a COBWEB made one of them sneeze. Then the footsteps arrived to the wardrobe, opened the door of it and they saw a crazy and bloody ranger. After that all turned dark.
The police found the dead bodys in the DAWN of Halloween day…

Anonymous said...

27th October
NICKNAME: screamers
4rth ESO A, BETA

…when we HEARD A TERRIFYING NOISE. Suddenly we saw a shadow of a man with a baggy coat, who was carrying a knife. After all that we were very afraid and we SCREAMED. We went upstairs to the first bedroom we saw, to HID UNDER THE BED, that was very dirty and full of COBWEBS. There, we HEARD FOOTSTEPS and immediately we SAW A LIGHT that came throw the door: there was the man with a torch, we went out of the bedroom and we RAN DOWN THE HALL. We tried to open the principal door but that was blocked. When we saw the DAWN LGHT, one of my friends saw the terrifying man with the knife, but he was a poor butcher that got lost like us. He gave us the key of the blocked door, and finally we could go out of that horrible house.

Anonymous said...

27th October
4th A Beta
…When We HEARD A NOISE upstairs, and we saw that James is missing so we went upstairs, the noise was getting louder and through the door WE SAW A LIGHT, we heard a noise, someone was shaking the door so we were frightened by the noise and we RAN DOWN THE HALL And we went in a bedroom with a lot of COBWEBS and very dark so we HID UNDER THE BED, there we heard FOOTSTEPS, and someone came in and got into the wardrobe, after that zombies came in and after about two minutes the zombies go out the bedroom and we looked into the wardrobe, there was James!!! So we went off the house and it was breaking DAWN.

Anonymous said...

27th October
4th A Beta

…when we HEARD A NOISE that came from the door in front of us. Then we approached to the door to saw what happened. Suddenly we SAW A LIGHT, and we got scared so we started to SCREAMED an RAN DOWN THE HALL. While we were running down the hall we bump into a lot of COBWEBS with spiders on it. On the spur of the moment one of our friends, Tom, had disappeared. We started to cry because we were worried about him. When we calmed down we entered to another room with a double bed, we sat on it and a few minutes later we heard footsteps. Then we got afraid and we hid under the bed and the footsteps stopped. Finally we slept under this bed. We woke up and we saw the DAWN all together, but when we thought about Tom we started to search for him all over the house. We opened another door and we saw him sleeping on the floor with all our candies! He had laugh of us!

Anonymous said...

28th ¬¬¬¬October
4th ¬¬¬ESO “C” Beta
…when we HEARD A NOISE, suddenly, we SCREAMED, the noise we HEARD were footsteps. We RAN DOWN THE HALL and we went to the bedroom and we HID UNDER THE BED. Then, we saw the COBWEBS. In the hallway, we SAW A LIGHT. A the DAWN, we go out of the house scared and we return to home.

Anonymous said...

28th October
4th C Beta
Nickname: pumpkins
When suddenly we HEARD A NOISE from a rocking chair coming from the living room. We went there but there was no one in the room but it was full of COBWEBS and we were very scared. We HEARD FOOTSTEPS behind us, so we turned and we SAW A LIGHT and a little girl dressed with a torn white dress and we SCREAMED very loud.
“Move away from here.” Said the girl, then suddenly she disappear.
We didn’t know what to do, so we forget about what we have seen and go to the bedroom where we locked up there. Suddenly the same girl was HID UNDER THE BED with her face full of blood.
“Run away he’s here.” Said the girl screaming.
We RAN DOWN THE HALL, when we saw the door we attempt to open the door but it was locked. Things started to fall and then we saw him.
He’d a knife full of blood and the same girl next to him death.
A few hours late, when we left the house we saw the DAWN, we started to go home again. What we didn’t know is that the same girl and the man were behind us smiling creepily.

Anonymous said...

28th October
4th C Beta
Nickname: Candys girls
When we HEARD A NOISE from the basement . We went to the basement , we SAW A LIGHT and we started to SCREAMED because we were very scared. In the basement there were a lot of COBWEBS. We were very scared so we went to the meeting room, a few minutes later we HEARD FOOLSTEPS and we went very quickly to HID UNDER THE BED. One hour later we RAN DOWN THE HALL because in this house were happened strange things. When we go out the house, began to break of DAWN. Suddenly we saw that one boy disappeared, and we never knew about him.

Anonymous said...

28th October
4th C Beta
Nickname: Sisters01.

...when we heard a noise, we screamed because we were very scared and we ran down the hall because we thought that here we were more safety. Then, we heard a footsteps very powerful, upper that we were. We hid under the bed where they had a lot of cobwebs and we saw a light that disappear after leaving a stronger noise that it was like “buuuu”. After that we fall down exhausted since the dawn, that we got up and we ran out of that haunted house. Still now we remember this, and we scare a lot, although we laugh too and take this like a joke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4th B Beta
29th october
Nickname:The darkness
We HEARD A NOISE in the kitchen, we go to see what happens and the lights turn off, before we HEARD footsteps taking down the stairs. Then we see a ghost and we SCREAMED and we RAN DOWN to THE BED, me and Sussy HID UNDER. We see COBWEBS and we quickly run to the bathroom when we SAW A LIGHT in the corridor. Finally my friends and I goes out of the house because they were scared, and the ghost stays in the house!!!

Anonymous said...

29th october
4th B (Beta)

…when we HEARD A NOISE, so we run to the bedroom of the old house. We were so scared, so we HID UNDER THE BED for a few hours, while we were there, we saw and heard strange things like wolves howling, furniture moving… We left the bed and exited the room, we passed through the hall, that was plenty of COBWEBS with a lot of spiders, and it sounded like someone SCREAMED at the room next to us. So we run to our houses, it was one of the worst experiences of my life!!

Anonymous said...

, when we heard a scary noise after a few seconds we saw a very fast shadow running through the corridor. Then , we realized that the noise that we had heard before was coming from under the bed. There was like a man scrapping the floor, we were screaming and running through the corridor like the shadow that we saw before and now was running behind us. We try to turn on the light but the switch was broken and we can’t run out. Later we saw a little door with a lot of cobwebs and in the room we hide under the bed. We were waiting there until the new day and we could go out. We aren’t going any more to a scary place like that.

Anonymous said...

RUBER 4th b Beta

When HEARD A NOISE, come from the Windows . We started SCREAMED and one of the person of the group get up to saw where come from the noise. He open the door and didn’t saw anything, the other friends be behind her, he then turn on the lights. Then saw the COBWEBS with a lot of spiders, pumpkins with fire… Go into the bedroom, the door close and the lights crack and HID UNDER THE BED.

Anonymous said...

ainovic 4th B(beta)

When we listened a SCREAM and HEARD A NOISE and saw a ghost.
We were scared and ran along a house and crashed into some COBEWEBS . My friends HID UNDER THE BED, but I fought witch ghost. So after won the ghost and found my friend because they hid under the bed.
Begin to get light we go out the house and went found the parents

Anonymous said...

4C Alpha
4th November
The house on the hill in the old forest.
When they HEARD A NOISE that it looks like FOOTSTEPS, they thought that it was a joke, and continued eating the chocolate bars. Until they SAW A LIGHT into a room. One of them went to see what was happening there. He got inside and saw a lot of COBWEBS, at the end of the room there was a tombstone. He was very scared and he SCREAMED very loudly. Then all of the friends went where the sound came, and they saw the boy knocked over. Suddenly they all started to ran down the hall and came into a shelter, where they hide UNDER THE BED. When they heard the noise of the door opening in front of them. And there’s nobody know what happened.

Anonymous said...


When we HEARD A NOISE, my friend John SCREAMED, we decided to go upstairs and then we saw some FOOTSTEPS, we started to were frightened, we SAW A LIGHT at the end of the hall then we saw a shadow moving in front of and behind them we RAN DOWN THE HALL, when we were running out from there we found in front of us a few COBWEBS so we turn to the left and we got in a room, we were really scared and some of my friend HID UNDER THE BED. We left that terrified room and we went downstairs, finally we found the main door and we went out, we didn’t stop to run for two minutes, then we were exhausted we saw that the DAWN was appearing.

Anonymous said...

4th C Alpha
4th November
…when we HEARD A NOISE. Even though we were very scared, we went upstairs to see what it was. We heard someone SCREAMING and one of my best friends HID UNDER THE BED, but she went out very fast because there were some COBWEBS, and she ran into the cupboard. We heard some FOOTSTEPS behind us and we RAN DOWN THE HALL. Suddenly we SAW A LIGHT, it was the DAWN! We ran the fastest we could outside the house. It was the most horrible Halloween night we had ever been through

Anonymous said...

4thC Alpha
4th November
When we HEARD FOOTSTEPS from the second floor, we went upstairs to verify if the house was empty. After that, we SAW A LIGHT in a window and we SCREAMED. Suddenly, we ran down the HALL because we want to leave the house, but the door was closed. So we get hysterical, then also, we heard a noise behind us and we turned around quickly, it was a cobweb! We were exhausted because we had been running away all the day long, so WE HID UNDER THE BED. While we were having a lie-in under the bed we perceive that we weren’t alone…

Anonymous said...

4thC Alpha
-nickname: GankstaZilean
- 4th November
When we started to HERAD A NOISE, so we divided the group for inspected the house. One of my best friends went alone to examine the house. Went he was alone he SAW A LIGHT in the hall so he RAN DOWN TO THE HALL, in the hall, there were some COBWEBS, he was so scared of the situation, he SCREAMED because he HEARD FOOTSTESPS, a zombie was coming to my friend, he HID UNDER THE BED, but the zombie cached him, he started screaming, the zombie ate him. I and the other groups got out of the house, it was DAWN, and ran to our houses. Nobody knew anything about this night…

Anonymous said...

4th C Alpha
-nickname: Dreamers
-4th November

When I HEARD A NOISE, I didn’t know where it comes from, but I saw FOOTSTEPS that they leading to a hall. I told my friends to come with me, but only few came. Whereas we were RANNING DOWN THE HALL to the garage, my friends were eating chocolate bars. When we arrived at the garage, I opened slowly the door. When we entered we couldn’t see nothing. Suddenly I HEARD the voice of my best friends SCREAMING upstairs. Then the voice stopped screaming and we didn’t hear nothing more. We went upstairs but when we arrived we couldn’t see nothing , only a big cobweb. We were frightened , but we decided to stay a few time more HIDDEN UNDER THE BED because we were very terrified. Suddenly we SAW A LIGHT in another room of the house. This makes us leave out the bed and went through the window. Then we begin to run and we never saw this house again.

Anonymous said...

4t C Alpha
The A team
4th November

When we SAW A LIGHT and HEARD FOOTSTEPS coming through the second floor. My friend SCREAMED and instilled us his fear. I didn’t want to seem scared, so I went upstairs while my friends stayed together in the hall. When I arrived upstairs, I HEARD A NOISE coming from a door which closed suddenly. I thought I was losing my mind so I went into the closest room. What a coincidence, that was a bedroom so I could HID UNDER THE BED in order to not be scared anymore. But while I was there, I noticed that all my body was covered with COBWEBS so I went out the bedroom and ran down the hall to meet with my friends, but they weren’t there. I went outside and they were all seeing the DAWN, what madness!

Anonymous said...


When we HEARD A STRANGE SOUND, we continue walking towards THE HALL. At the end of it we SAW A LIGHT. We entered to room where we saw the light, my friend Anna entered first. I didn’t know what was happening, she RAN DOWN the stairs in front of us SCREAMING “He’s HIDDING UNDER THE BED!”. The rest of us divided in two groups; the first went following the FOOTSTEPS of Anna, and the second group wanted to discover what was under the bed.
The first group, found Anna unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. And the second group, looked under the bed and discovered a doll. This doll was cursed and one of my friends took it at home, some strange success happened at his family.

Anonymous said...

4th C Alpha
-nickname: Dreamers
-4th November

When I HEARD A NOISE, I didn’t know where it comes from, but I saw FOOTSTEPS that they leading to a hall. I told my friends to come with me, but only few came. Whereas we were RANNING DOWN THE HALL to the garage, my friends were eating chocolate bars. When we arrived at the garage, I opened slowly the door. When we entered we couldn’t see nothing. Suddenly I HEARD the voice of my best friends SCREAMING upstairs. Then the voice stopped screaming and we didn’t hear nothing more. We went upstairs but when we arrived we couldn’t see nothing , only a big cobweb. We were frightened , but we decided to stay a few time more HIDDEN UNDER THE BED because we were very terrified. Suddenly we SAW A LIGHT in another room of the house. This makes us leave out the bed and went through the window. Then we begin to run and we never saw this house again.