Friday 26 September 2008


Here is a list of tasks I'd like you to do with a partner. Do the tasks in this order:

  1. Have a look at the two compositions and correct any mistake you see. (in your notebook)

  2. Answer the following questions (in your notebook )

  • How did student 1 travel to Lithuania?

  • Did this student improve his/ her English? Why / not?

  • What did student 2 like about Andalusia?

  • Do you agree with her last sentence? Why /not?

3. Talk to your partner IN ENGLISH about the two destinations ( the one you like best, advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad......) and once you have been doing so for at least five minutes write a comment to this post explaining which destination you would prefer and why. PUBLISH THE NOTES NOT IN THE POST, BUT AS A COMMENT TO THE POST. REMEMBER TO SAY WHO YOU ARE

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